Inglés intermedio (B1+) (Programa detallado)


Este curso te ayudará a alcanzar, o consolidar, un nivel de inglés intermedio (B1+), lo cual te permitirá expresarte con fluidez sobre temas cotidianos.

Ampliarás tu comprensión de frases y expresiones cotidianas (hablar de tus rutinas y gustos, la educación y el empleo, el pasado y el futuro, etcétera), además de expresiones más avanzadas, de tal manera que estarás más preparado/a para comunicarte en el trabajo, la vida social o cuando estás de vacaciones.

Así mismo, mejorarás tu conocimiento de los errores típicos que cometen los estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua, de tal forma que los podrás evitar.

En el curso también se estudiará el lenguaje necesario para mantener conversaciones más largas y complejas, como por ejemplo expresiones para reaccionar a lo que dice otras personas, aclarar dudas, o mostrar acuerdo o desacuerdo con ellos.


Es muy recomendable que el alumnado tenga por lo menos conocimientos pre-intermedios (B1) del inglés, dado que sin estos conocimientos previos algunos temas y actividades (la gramática, el vocabulario y los audios) podrían resultar complicados.

Tener este nivel mínimo permitirá al alumnado aprovechar el curso y el lenguaje estudiado.

Programa del curso

1.- Free time and hobbies


To acquire the vocabulary needed to talk comfortably about your routines, free time, and your likes and dislikes. To be able to keep conversations going, using a range of expressions for showing interest, asking questions, and reacting to what the other speaker says.


  1. Free time and hobbies
    1. Vocabulary focus: Free time and hobbies
    2. Reading focus: Free time
    3. Language focus: Expressing likes and dislikes
    4. Real life: Keeping a conversation going
    5. Listening: Two friends talking about their hobbies

2.- Travel and holidays


To be able to talk easily about holidays and travelling, with a focus on narrative (or past) verb tenses. To acquire the necessary language for getting through an airport smoothly. To be able to construct longer, more complex sentences using linking words and expressions.


  1. Travel and holidays
    1. Vocabulary focus: Travel and holidays
    2. Language focus: Past tenses
    3. Language focus: Linking words
    4. Reading focus: One man's impressions of Peru
    5. Real life: Getting through an airport
    6. Listening: Two people talking about a holiday

3.- Around the world


To be able to talk about transport and travelling, using a wider range of vocabulary and more advanced extreme adjectives. To better control the use of articles (a/an/the/-) in your speech. To be able to avoid misunderstandings by asking for, or giving, clarification when needed.


  1. Around the world
    1. Vocabulary focus: Around the world
    2. Language focus: Extreme adjectives
    3. Language focus: Definite and indefinite articles
    4. Reading focus: London - A travel guide
    5. Real life: Asking questions and clarifying information
    6. Listening: A man giving travel advice to his friend

4.- Money and shopping


To be able to talk about money, prices and shopping with more accuracy, allowing you to shop online or abroad. To better understand the correct use of the past simple and present perfect for talking about past experiences.


  1. Money and shopping
    1. Vocabulary focus: Money and shopping collocations
    2. Reading focus: Buy nothing, be happy
    3. Language focus: Present perfect simple
    4. Real life: Shopping
    5. Listening: Two friends talking about their shopping habits

5.- Sports and fitness


To manage to speak about sports and fitness, demonstrating a wider range of vocabulary. To be capable of using verb patterns (infinitive, gerund or base infinitive) with more accuracy. To be able to give advice and polite recommendations to others.


  1. Sports and fitness
    1. Vocabulary focus: Sports and fitness
    2. Listening focus: A fitness coach talking about keeping fit and healthy
    3. Language focus: Infinitive vs Gerund
    4. Reading focus: A woman talking about her health and fitness
    5. Real life: Giving advice
    6. Listening: Two friends talking about sports and exercise

6.- Where you live and getting around


To be able to talk about where you live with more fluency, using first, second and third conditionals with precision. To further extend your sentences with a range of more complex linking expressions. To be capable of expressing your opinion, and agreeing and disagreeing politely.


  1. Where you live and getting around
    1. Vocabulary focus: Where you live and getting around
    2. Language focus: Conditional sentences
    3. Reading focus: If I could live anywhere...
    4. Language focus: Linking words
    5. Real life: Exchanging opinions
    6. Listening: Two people talking about where they prefer to live

7.- The World of Work


To be capable of talking about work, as well as how long something has been happening. To be more comfortable speaking by phone in formal and informal situations.


  1. The world of work
    1. Vocabulary focus: Work
    2. Reading focus: My job
    3. Language focus: Talking about how long something has been happening
    4. Real life: Speaking by phone
    5. Listening focus: Two friends discussing work

8.- Media and entertainment


To acquire a wide range of vocabulary related to entertainment and leisure activities. To better express, and understand the use of, the passive voice. To be able to talk about future possibilities and probabilities clearly.


  1. Media and entertainment
    1. Vocabulary focus: Media and entertainment
    2. Reading focus: Prepare to be entertained
    3. Language focus: Passive voice
    4. Real life: Talking about probability and possibility
    5. Listening focus: Two friends talking about upcoming entertainment events

9.- Technology and communication


To be able to talk about technology with fluency. To talk about the future, using the main future tenses, with accuracy. To be capable of making plans and arrangements in formal and informal situations.


  1. Technology and communication
    1. Vocabulary focus: Technology and communication
    2. Reading focus: The benefits of face-to-face communication
    3. Language focus: The future
    4. Real life: Making arrangements and plans
    5. Listening focus: Two colleagues making plans